aAA Det er vores mission at levere anderledes og unikke billeder fotograferet til kvalitetsbeviste billedebrugere, der ikke går på kompromis med kvaliteten. Vi vil væk fra det traditionelle stockbillede, og går efter nærværende, nutidige og vedkommende billeder.
Vi er kompromisløse i forhold til kvaliteten. Vi leverer og sælger kun billeder fra den øverste hylde, og hvert billede bliver nøje udvalgt og redigeret, så vores kunder med sikkerhed ved, at når De køber billede fra Pepbercorn, så får de noget unikt.
Priser pr. billede, redaktionelt og kommercielt brug.
4.000 DKK pr. år.
Ønskes længere brugsrettigheder kontakt Pepbercorn for priser.
Note. Alle royale billeder forhandles enkeltvis og kan derfor ikke sælges eller prissættes før personlig kontakt til Lux Media Group ApS.
Lux Media Group ApS
Østerbrogade 44
2100 København Ø
CVR: 41820217
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Terms and Conditions
Release/Publish It is the customer’s responsibility to release/publish images. Pepbercorn is not responsible for any damages resulting from the posting of content. Restrictions may apply to single images. Customers are obliged to comply with and respect any restrictions on the use of images that may appear in image captions. 3 Editorial content must be trimmed and adjusted in accordance with standard practices, but content must not be manipulated without permission from Pepbercorn. This does not apply to example content. For editorial content, the right to reproduce an image covered by the Agreement does not include the permission of the person depicted.
Content creators reserve the right to reproduce content provided under the agreement. Pepbercorn warrants that it has obtained permission to use all content included in the contract. This agreement grants the client the right to publish content within the limits described below.
The customer must obtain permission to publish from the person depicted. If a person is depicted in a context that could be perceived as copyright infringement, the customer is responsible for all claims. Clients must obtain consent if the content contains motifs, trademarks, etc. protected by copyright. Pepbercorn shall not be liable if any claim is made as a result of the customer’s failure to obtain such consent. Editorial content may not be used for promotional purposes without prior permission. Images may not be used without prior permission or included in logos, company names or trademarks. Images must not be used to infringe on the logos, trademarks or trademarks of others. Images may not be used for the production and sale of products where the primary value of the product is the images, such as postcards, mugs, tshirts, calendars, posters, screensavers or wallpapers, without prior permission.
Unlike Pepbercorn, publishing rights apply only to Denmark, unless specifically agreed to. Content may not be copied, resold or passed on to third parties. Customer may not transfer user access to Pepbercorn digital image database to any third party. If Customer suspects that a third party has obtained Customer’s User access, Customer shall notify Pepbercorn. All prices are excluded. vat. Payments must always be made in accordance with the valid Pepbercorn payment terms. Storage clients cannot store content. The exception is the digital processing of content for the period necessary for the customer’s current production. Upon termination of the Agreement, all Content must be removed from Customer’s production systems. After the expiry of the Agreement, any Content used on the Customer’s online platform during the term of the Agreement may only be used in the context in which it was originally published.
For both editorial and illustrative content, if the content is to be used in connection with sensitive topics, the Customer must obtain separate permission from Pepbercorn. Unless otherwise stated, content used on the Internet may only be used in lower resolutions may not be used in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. or in other circumstances related to the transfer of rights to third parties, unless Pepbercorn provides special social network files to its customers.
Pepbercorn reserves the right to track and prosecute copyright infringements and misuse of images/videos in the Pepbercorn image database.
When posting, you must mention the photographer’s name/Agency name/Pepbercorn with respect to the published image. If the Content is used in any way other than as described in this Agreement, you must consent in writing separately from Pepbercorn. Any abuse can lead to liability. Customer agrees to abide by the timely disclosure provisions and posts withdrawn images.